• +962 79 0052 515
  • طوال الأسبوع من الساعة 12 صباحًا حتى الساعة 8 مساءً (UTC+03:00)
Hebron Ceramic Hand Paint Coffee Cup and Saucers Made in Holy Land Khalil / Palestine
Hebron Ceramic Hand Paint Coffee Cup and Saucers Made in Holy Land Khalil / Palestine
Hebron Ceramic Hand Paint Coffee Cup and Saucers Made in Holy Land Khalil / Palestine
Hebron Ceramic Hand Paint Coffee Cup and Saucers Made in Holy Land Khalil / Palestine
Hebron Ceramic Hand Paint Coffee Cup and Saucers Made in Holy Land Khalil / Palestine
Hebron Ceramic Hand Paint Coffee Cup and Saucers Made in Holy Land Khalil / Palestine
Hebron Ceramic Hand Paint Coffee Cup and Saucers Made in Holy Land Khalil / Palestine
Hebron Ceramic Hand Paint Coffee Cup and Saucers Made in Holy Land Khalil / Palestine
Hebron Ceramic Hand Paint Coffee Cup and Saucers Made in Holy Land Khalil / Palestine
Hebron Ceramic Hand Paint Coffee Cup and Saucers Made in Holy Land Khalil / Palestine
Hebron Ceramic Hand Paint Coffee Cup and Saucers Made in Holy Land Khalil / Palestine
Hebron Ceramic Hand Paint Coffee Cup and Saucers Made in Holy Land Khalil / Palestine

    فناجين وصحون قهوة وصحون طلاء يدوي من السيراميك الخليل صنع في الأرض المقدسة خليل / فلسطين

    USD 11.50

      فنجان قهوة وصحون فنجان قهوة وصحون صنع يدويًا من السيراميك الخليل صنع في الأراضي المقدسة خليل / فلسطين

      قطعتان (كاس وصحن)

      سيراميك عالي الجودة

      آمن في الميكروويف / الفرن

      آمن للطعام

      الأبعاد: 10 * 7.7 * 6.2 سم